Take the pledge – reduce your foodprint
- Plan it – checking cupboards and fridges, and making a list before going shopping
- Store it – correct storage, i.e. airtight containers for salads and herbs; the fridge for most fruits (not bananas or pineapples); the freezer for leftovers and bulk purchases.
- Portion it – know how much to serve; serve less rather than more and encourage the family to ask for seconds if they need more; any leftovers that remain unserved can then be used at a later date.
- Use it – use the whole food item i.e. stalks; leaves; chicken carcass
- Love it – love your leftovers. Any leftovers that you know will be used in the next two days should be stored immediately in the fridge in the right kind of container. Anything else should be frozen or preserved.
- Follow – the national Love Food Hate Waste NZ Facebook page and the new Love Food Hate Waste website for tips, recipes and ideas.