Te Wherowhero is a tidal estuary, parallel to the beach between the Waipaoa river mouth and Te Kuri/Young Nicks Head. The 200ha estuary supports a wide diversity of wading birds, and other life specific to the highly tidal ecosystem. Over the last 10 years efforts have been underway from locals to improve the natural habitat. Stock have been excluded from the edge of the lagoon, and a border of native trees planted by volunteers. A trust made up of landowners, local iwi, GDC, DOC and QE2 has been active since 2006. TEC has been supporting this group’s annual planting programme since 2013, helping organise the planting of approximately 10,000 trees.
If that sounded interesting and you’d like to know more or be involved, please contact us for more information.
HB WIlliams Memeorial Trust and JN WIlliams Turanga Trust.