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Conservation Group

TEC’s Conservation Group provides volunteer opportunities within conservation work, assists and provides start-up for new projects while supporting existing volunteer groups and projects; Te Wherowhero Laggon, Waihirere Domain, Waikanae Stream, Pakowhai Reserve, Riverside Road Restoration Group and Inanga Spawning Project.
TEC’s conservation group works closely with GDC and DOC which enables us to provide a dedicated conduit and broad cross party support, to multiple volunteer based projects where collaboration with GDC, DOC Iwi/Hapu and Mana Whenua is vital.

TEC’s conservation group provides advocacy and submissions on local Council draft plans and is member of the Fresh Water Advisory Group (FWAG) – which is a partnered project with GDC, DOC, Federated Farmers and 13 other Stakeholder groups.

TEC’s conservation group promotes events and activities such as; beach clean-ups, bio blitz, community science days, workshops, and links community aspirations to protect and enjoy our local environment with resources and knowledge held in organisations such as DOC and GDC and enhances community engagement in a non-formal manner.

If you would like to be involved as a volunteer or in any way – please contact us.

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Waikanae Stream

TEC has supported and helped drive community-based efforts to improve Waikanae Stream.


Inanga Spawning Project

This a partnered project with GDC, landowners, community, Iwi and businesses and focuses on identifying spawning areas, successfully surveying them and establishing spawning sites in Tairawhiti. These sites are then mapped on Google Maps or tracked by GPS.


Waterworks Bush/Te Arai River

TEC has advocated for improvements on the Te Arai river since 2012.


Riverside Road Restoration

This a partnered project with DOC and the Riverside Road community.


Te Wherowhero Lagoon

Te Wherowhero is a tidal estuary, parallel to the beach between the Waipaoa river mouth and Te Kuri/Young Nicks Head.


Pakowhai Reserve

This a partnered project with DOC and the community.


Waihirere Domain

A group for those interested in supporting the ongoing conservation and protection of Waihirere Domain.



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We welcome ideas for new projects and sponsorship initiatives so if you have something in mind, please get in touch – we would love to hear from you!

Thank you to our supporters

HB WIlliams Memeorial Trust and JN WIlliams Turanga Trust.